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Filcon II 3

Filcon II 3 Contact Lens Material

The Filcon II 3 contact lens material is known for its excellent water content and comfort. Manufactured by Cooper Vision, these contact lenses have an average water content of 58%.

Compared to other contact lens materials, Filcon II 3 offers a higher water content than materials such as Balafilcon A (36%), Comfilcon A (48%), and Filcon (47%). However, it has a slightly lower water content compared to materials like Aerofilcon A (69%), Alphafilcon A (66%), and Delefilcon A (57%).

Contact lenses made of Filcon II 3 are available in various brands and types, including Clariti 1 Day. These spherical daily lenses provide a moisture/water content of 58% and have an oxygen permeability of 86.

List of contact lenses made of Filcon II 3:

  • Clariti 1 Day (Cooper Vision) - Moisture/Water content: 58%, Oxygen permeability: 86